Naga Pokuna of Mihintale
නාග පොකුණ
Naga Pond
The Naga-pond can be reached by walking along with the flight of steps to the right commencing from the central compound. It can be reached by walking down from the Mihindu-cetiya. The two cetiyas, Maha-cetiya and Mihindu-cetiya are nearby. The Nagapond is situated to the East at a lower level. The history of the pond goes back to the time of the arrival of Ven. Mahinda in the 3” century B.C.
Nagasondi pond is attributed to Aggabodhi Ist and maybe the same as this pond. It may have been a development of the original pond constructed during the days of Ven. Mahinda. The pond is 38.94 meters in length. At a point close to the centre, there is a figure of a Naga bearing five hoods. It may have implied the appearance of Nagas from the Naga world linked with water underground. The general belief that the Naga was associated with water in countries such as Nepal and Sri Lanka. Hence it has been customary to engrave figures of Nagas in water sources such as ponds and tanks.
There are three steps built into the wall to step into the pond. In addition to rainwater, the natural spouts too may have drained into the pond.
(Heritage of Rajarata by Prof. Chandra Wikramagamage P168, 169)
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References & External Links
Wikipedia - Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA)
"Protercted Monument List 2012-12-12" (PDF). Department of Archaeology. 12 December 2012. Retrieved 13 December 2016.