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8°21'04.9"N 80°30'55.4"E

Kaludiya Pokuna of Mihintale

මිහින්තලේ කලුදිය පොකුණ

Kaludiya Pokuna of Mihintale

Kaludiya Pokuna of Mihintale

මිහින්තලේ කලුදිය පොකුණ

Kalu Diya Pokuna

Kalu Diya Pokuna is located on the west slope of Mihintalé and is a remarkable archaeological site in the locality. This pond is the largest specimen in Mihintale. The ancient name of it was Porodini. Mr H.C.P Bell has identified this pond as belonging to the Hadayunha monastery of Mihinitale, and he attributed it to King Kassapa IV. This had been offered to the monks of the Dhammaruchi Sect. This indicates that during the days of King Kassapa IV, Mihinitale had been occupied by Bhikkhus of the Dharmaruchi Sect of the Abhayagirivihara. Other monastery buildings include a stupa, chapter house, promenade, Prasada, sauna bath and toilets.

(Heritage of Rajarata by Prof. Chandra Wikramagamage P172)

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