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8° 21′ 2.14″ N, 80° 31′ 1″ E

Anula Devi Chethiya Ruins

මිහින්තලේ අනුලා දේවී චෛත්‍යය නටබුන්

Anula Devi Chethiya Ruins

Anula Devi Chethiya Ruins

මිහින්තලේ අනුලා දේවී චෛත්‍යය නටබුන්

The Anula Devi Chaitya is considered an ancient monastery very close to the Mihintale sacred area. According to the plaque erected by the Department of Archeology, the ruins in this archaeological site can be considered the ruins of a temple built by Goddess Viharamaha Devi in the 2nd century BC and that Queen Anula, the first nun of Sri Lanka, lived here. 

The site consists of a dagoba built on a small rock and several small dagobas and other ruins scattered.

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